
Syntax: background : value
Possible Values : background-color | background-image | background-repeat | background-attachment
Initial Value : Not defined
Applies to: All elements
Inherited : No

The background property is a shorthand for the more specific background-related properties.
Some examples of background declarations follow:


BODY  { background: url( }
BLOCKQUOTE  { background: #7fffd4 }
P  { background: url(../backgrounds/knight.gif) #f0f8ff fixed }
TABLE  { background: url(Ivy.gif); no-repeat: bottom right }

see example in action

A value not specified will receive its initial value. For example, in the first three rules above, the background-position property will be set to 0% 0%.

To help avoid conflicts with user style sheets, background and color properties should always be specified together.