Background Image Position

Ever wondered how you could stop a image from repeating itself? These tricks will show you how.


The above image does not repeat.

Copy & Paste the following code in the HEAD section of your webpage.

 <style type="text/css">
 BODY {background: url(yinyang.gif) no-repeat}

You can also align the image, the following code shows how.

Copy & Paste the following code in the HEAD section of your webpage.

 <style type="text/css">
 BODY {background: url(ball.gif) no-repeat center}
 P {background: url(ball.gif) no-repeat left}
 DIV {background: url(ball.gif) no-repeat right}

Or specify the direction where the image can repeat.




Copy & Paste the following code in the HEAD section of your webpage.

 <style type="text/css">
 BODY {background : url(yinyang.gif) repeat-x}
 P {background : url(yinyang.gif) repeat-y}

And you can also specify its alignment.

Copy & Paste the following code in the HEAD section of your webpage.

 <style type="text/css">
 BODY {background: url(yinyang.gif) repeat-x center}
 P {background: url(yinyang.gif) repeat-x left}
 .fancybox {background: url(yinyang.gif) repeat-x right}